Hush Blog Tour & Giveaway: Lynn Kelling

Publisher: Enspire Publishing

Book’s Publication Date: 4/17/18


Guest Post – Lynn Kelling:  Taking on Hate Groups: Gay Fiction in the age of Trump


My new release, Hush, was written in the early days of Donald Trump’s presidency, when it became quickly common to see a rise in bigotry as white supremacist groups grabbed the proverbial mic. As the author, I didn’t try to separate the atmosphere at the time in the real world with the environment of the book. Instead, I let the cultural shock and alarm infuse the energy of restless revolution that takes hold of the main character, Rune, after he’s targeted and deliberately attacked by a local hate group.

In my personal opinion, a way to explain what’s happening in the world right now is that the straight white men have been used to being the ones in charge, with primary control at many levels of society, for as long as we can remember. But, now? Not so much. Equality is spreading across the globe and it terrifies those seeing their power drained away by others they have always considered to be beneath them.

In a way, our main character, Rune, benefitted from being a (closeted) white man living in contemporary USA. During his early twenties, Rune escaped close scrutiny while skirting the law, selling drugs to make cash and basically doing whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted. He was part of a motorcycle group, the Born Soldiers, who he knew would always have his back if anything happened. But after being set up on a fake date by members of local white supremacist group, the White Lions, Rune had his bike run off the road by the rival crew. His injuries instantly and permanently changed the entire course of his life.

Suddenly vulnerable, being completely deaf, unable to easily communicate with those around him, Rune is left to find other ways to make his voice heard.

Like a lot of us, at the beginning of this story, Rune has reached a point of feeling that enough is enough. His breaking point shifts his previously self-interested point of view to one of seeking justice, not only for himself but for all others like him. When words aren’t heard, actions need to speak instead.

It was impossible for me to approach this story without taking into account the feelings intensifying in our world, right now and every day. We can no longer turn a blind eye or a deaf ear to the bigotry, fear, and careless hate of those in our families, neighborhoods, and government. Each of us, in our own ways, needs to identify with where our loyalties lie, and what we’re not willing to sacrifice to the greed and selfishness of others. It’s not just about sexual orientation, or gender, or religion, or race, or nationality. It’s about all of those and more. Simple respect. Basic human kindness. Sincere compassion for other human beings who are really not much different than you and I.

There are some people in Rune’s life who try to quell his fervent desire to make a difference, to stop violence against the innocent, and to stand up for what’s right. They think he should focus on himself, to stay out of the way, stay quiet so he doesn’t get hurt again. But when fear counters fear, no one wins.

Rune’s voice isn’t a literal one. He speaks only a handful of words in the entire book, but nevertheless, he has plenty to say. I hope his example shows that no matter who you are, or what limitations you think you face, there are always ways to defend your basic human rights, and to say enough is enough.



Rune Tooby is a smartassed Jewish rebel and closeted gay biker with the Born Soldiers motorcycle gang. Rune’s life centered on casual sex and less-than-legal employment, until a pickup truck full of Neo-Nazis rammed into his bike, destroying his hearing and shattering his life. Learning to live deaf and silent overwhelmed Rune, sending him to humbly beg help from the last people he trusts completely: the rich and powerful Dominants of the Manse, who trained Rune in the arts of BDSM.

Oliver Hughes, cocky day trader and sexual Dominant, lives a life of indulgent luxury. Despite this, he feels adrift and unneeded since his beloved submissive, Jackson Whitney, became absorbed into life as a family man and cardiologist, leaving him little time for his Master. When a meeting between Rune and Oliver is carefully arranged by the leaders of Manse, it starts a wild ride, sweeping up everyone who gets too close to the explosive pair. Rune and Oliver find themselves on a path filled with frustrating miscommunications, rage-filled vengeance, and painfully unearthed secrets. (M/M/M)



Author Bio:

Lynn Kelling began writing in order to tell stories that aren’t afraid of the dark, don’t hold anything back and always strive to be memorable, forging lasting attachments between character and reader. Her inspiration comes from taking a closer look at behaviors and ideas lurking at the fringes of life—basically anything that people may hesitate to speak of in mixed company, but everyone wonders about anyway. Her work is driven by the taboo in order to expose the humanity within it. Lynn is an artist, designer and lover of any form of creative self-expression that comes from a place of honesty and emotion, whether it’s body art or opera. She has had multiple novels published, has written over seventy works of erotic fiction of varying lengths, and always has several novels in progress.

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Hush Blog Tour Day 4: Jackson/Oliver Interview + Taking on Hate Groups + Quadruple Review + Giveaway - Lynn KellingLynn Kelling Recent comment authors
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[…] Hush Blog Tour Day 4, we have a packed schedule with a guest post about taking on hate groups at On Top Down Under Book Reviews, and a character interview with Jackson and Oliver at Wicked Reads. Don’t forget to enter […]