Taking Lance (Taking Lance #1), Candi Kay

Taking LanceRating: 4.5 Stars

Publisher: Self Published

Genre: Bisexual Erotica (See Tags in Official Blurb Below)

Tags: Age Difference, Multi-Partner, Stepfather/Stepson Kink 

Length:  15,600 Words

Reviewer: Kazza K

Purchase At: Smashwords, amazon.com


Official Blurb:


40-year-old Rick, who is bisexual, had to marry a woman or lose a large inheritance from his homophobic father. The marriage is loveless and practically sexless, but he plans to stick it out just long enough to collect his cash. Horny and frustrated, that changes when Rick meets his wife’s 18-year-old son, Lance. TAGS: M/M, M/M/F, F/F, M/F, Older Man/Younger Man, Older Man/Younger Woman, Gay/Bi Erotica.

My Review:

I have been lusting after my wife’s son since the day I met him. Lance - 2Tall and thin, the boy has yet to grow into his long arms and legs. Jet black hair like his biological father, it falls just to below his collar. His eyes are so blue I could see myself in them if I allowed myself to get close enough. I haven’t done that. Yet. 

…is a pretty good opening paragraph to Taking Lance and had me involved from the beginning.

Rick Preston has to marry before his fortieth birthday to be eligible for a twenty five million dollar inheritance from his father. The thing is, Rick Senior knew his son liked cock and stipulated if he didn’t marry a woman by his fortieth, nada inheritance. The money will go to Rick Senior’s sister. So Rick meets Jenna when she is filling in at a local bar one night and he has a light bulb moment – Jenna is hot, he is bi, marry her, fuck her and then get a divorce after his fortieth. They don’t know each other particularly, and while his is bi, his preference is dick over pussy. He makes no secret of his bisexuality or his sexual appetite. They have a prenup where she is compensated after they split. Things become complicated, though, when Jenna starts showing her true bitchy colours, and then when Lance, Jenna’s son from her first marriage, turns up after finishing high. He moves in with them and Rick takes an immediate like to Lance. His cock is doing a happy dance whenever he looks at the eighteen year old.

Rick, and his cock, want Lance. But he can’t be gay, he has a girlfriend – the leggy brunette, Mandy. One night, when Mandy and Lance are together and the door is open, Rick takes a look and sees Mandy sucking Lance off. Rick is so horny by this stage, Mandy has her back to him and Lance’s eyes are closed, he takes things into his own hands –

Making a fist, I fuck my hand quickly, my eyes never leaving the sexy boy in front of me. I must have moaned, or the wet sounds coming from the door alerted Lance to my presence, because he opens his eyes and looks right at me, my cock jacking my hand the whole time. I almost stop and back out the of room but I am right there and I can’t force myself to move.  

Rick may be perving on the two, but Lance surprises him by fucking Mandy’s face harder while he is looking right at Rick and blowing his load. Hmm, it seems like his stepson is into the whole older man/daddy kink. My kind of book.

The next morning Lance lets it be known that he is gay, and that Mandy is Taking Lance Quote 2his beard for his homophobic mother. All he does is let her blow him and he helps her get off, no fucking. Once Lance comes clean with Mandy, she fronts an interesting proposal  – Mandy wants to be with them together.  She wants Rick to fuck her and Lance can join in with Rick. She’s a kinky, free spirited kinda girl. Most conveniently, Jenna is going away for the weekend, so the three of them can play at Rick’s.  So Rick, Lance, and Mandy get into some bi action.

Nothing much more needs be said on the plot as it is what it is, erotica. It is also not long at 15,600 words.


Taking Lance is only a short novella but it fulfils the erotica brief very nicely – it is sexy, it has a decent plot without it overpowering things, it is very well written and edited. I love an age gap and a daddy kink, so I was well served. I’m also up for sexual fluidity. The book does have a FF tag, but it is more for a part of the plot than for titillation. If you like bisexual erotica with a leaning towards men together, and if you don’t mind cheating, because everyone does it, hello! it’s fucking erotica, then this could well be a good book for you. Oh yes, there is kind of one dub-con scene as well. This is part one of the Rick and Lance story, and I look forward to the next instalment of these two, because I think they will have to fight for what they really want. But you just know they are supposed to be together. 4.5 stars as I get to know these characters more.

Taking Lance Quote 1







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kazzakJayCandi KayCindi Recent comment authors
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I want to run my fingers through Lance’s black hair. I swear I don’t care that he’s a kid. He’s legal. The blurb says so. LOL

What a great review. I love the photos. The GIF is hot as hell, and the way you did the quotes – also hot.


Candi Kay
Candi Kay

Thank you so much for the great review of my little story, Kazza. I am so thrilled you enjoyed it.

I wrote the story and I could not come up with a better likeness of the Lance I saw in my head while writing it. The photo you used is dead on. The quotes, the GIF, the wonderful review – all perfect.

Again, thank you so much. You just made my day!


I dunno about the review Kazza, but a couple of those pix are making me drool and now I’m ruining my frackin keyboard. 😉 Niiice.