Loving the Master Blog Tour : Lynn Kelling




Loving the Master

Novel by Lynn Kelling 

Publisher: Fantastic Fiction Publishing

Imprint: ForbiddenFiction

Publication Date: February 9, 2016

Cover Reveal & Start of Pre-Orders: November 18, 2015

For additional details, including content labels, see imprint story page:





All Romance eBooks:


Loving the MasterBlurb: 

Billionaire Dominant David Davenport needs a break from the loveless isolation imposed by wealth, responsibility, and the stress of running the Manse, his private gay club. While at lunch with an old friend, David finds himself enchanted by the charming and submissive nature of Shea Whittier, their young waiter. David offers to help the young man out with his personal troubles, never suspecting the danger he’s putting them both in. (M/M)




Guest Post:


The Value of Kink. 

I’m pretty sure that anyone who has read my stories knows I don’t shy away from including kink or exploring fetishes within them. I strive to always have the kink fit in with the narrative, enhancing the story already being told instead of just adding spice. I also try to mix things up between books, so I’m not always repeating myself or doing the same sex scene over and over again. Variety is the spice of life, after all!

As a reader, I’m always looking for something new or different, and isn’t there just for shock value but explores an idea or activity in order to better understand it and its value. I like stories that are hot, but also emotional, funny, evocative, and challenging but respectful to the reader. I don’t like stories that go way over the line without a reason or a measure of healing afterward. The goal in fiction is to create connections between the reader and the characters. There’s a significant and sacred trust involved, that I would never want to betray for shock value.

But… I also think I’d be doing my characters and the stories themselves a disservice if I didn’t try to push things a little harder than is comfortable. The characters should be taken by surprise now and then. Their personal boundaries should be challenged. They should be tempted to go a little further, push a little deeper, because that’s when it gets exciting.

The thrills are found in the places we’re afraid to look, nervous to go. I love when characters are trying things for the first time, because there’s always an emotional journey there to accompany the physical stimulation. For the virgins and the vanilla guys, the gradual, fairly normal progression of sexual activity can be challenge enough. For the more experienced, hardcore or adventurous guys, it takes much more to push them closer to their limit. I love taking them right up to the line, just to see if they’re ready to cross it or not. A lot of times, I won’t even know how far they’re willing to go until I’m writing the scene and see how it plays out.

In Loving the Master, there’s a wide range of tastes to deal with. Shea is a vanilla virgin to start out with. David is a formally trained Dominant with years of experience with a variety of submissives. Beyond the boundaries of Shea and David’s relationship, which rides its own rollercoaster of kink, there are the secondary characters and a wide variety of men visiting Manse. I had a lot of fun with this story in showing that range of sexual adventures in steamy, stimulating detail. Whether it’s a first kiss, first time sex, or a hardcore punishment scene between Dom and sub, each encounter is its own story within the story, adding more layers and ways for the reader to take the ride.

My readers should know that with me, they’re dealing with an author for whom there is never enough. I want more. I don’t want to fade to black or take it easy. I want to show my readers something they haven’t seen before, or dare them to enjoy something they might never have considered. For me, that’s the value of kink. It’s personal and tempts with the uncomfortable or unfamiliar, promising pleasure and new ways to feel vibrantly alive. There’s a lot out there to explore. Why stay behind where it’s safe when you can test the waters of something wonderful? You’ll never know if you don’t try….


Giveaway Info & Code:


Rafflecopter: 1 set of paperbacks of both Bound by Lies & Loving the Master.


a Rafflecopter giveaway


Goodreads: 1 paperback copy of Loving the Master


Goodreads Book Giveaway

Loving the Master by Lynn Kelling

Loving the Master

by Lynn Kelling

Giveaway ends February 23, 2016.

See the giveaway details

at Goodreads.


Blog Tour Schedule:

February 9th:


  • February 10th:
  • Love Bytes Same Sex Book Reviews:
  • My Fiction Nook:
  • Other works in the Manse series: Novel Novella About the Author: Goodreads email: lynn@lynnkelling.comBlog Tour Graphics:
  • Author Links & Bio:
  • Lynn Kelling began writing in order to tell stories that aren’t afraid of the dark, don’t hold anything back and always strive to be memorable, forging lasting attachments between character and reader. Her inspiration comes from taking a closer look at behaviors and ideas lurking at the fringes of life—basically anything that people may hesitate to speak of in mixed company, but everyone wonders about anyway. Her work is driven by the taboo in order to expose the humanity within it. Lynn is an artist, designer and lover of any form of creative self-expression that comes from a place of honesty and emotion, whether it’s body art or opera. She has had multiple novels published, has written over seventy works of erotic fiction of varying lengths, and always has several novels in progress.


  • Learning from the masterMost things in life come easily to eighteen-year-old Jenner Parrish, who’s on track to inherit the family business, and is popular, well-liked and good looking. He has everything he could want, except when it comes to love, and sex. Closeted, lonely and desperate, he acquires an invitation to an event at a nearby private gay club, Manse. Feeling out of his element and for the first time quite shy, Jenner is unable to play the wallflower when he captures the attention of the suave, seductive owner of Manse, David Davenport. David is used to getting what he wants, and what he wants is gorgeous young Jenner, who begins to realize every fantasy and wild desire could be his for the taking, if only he dares to ask and obediently serve. (M/M/M)
  • Blurb:
  • Imprint Story Page: http://forbiddenfiction.com/story/lk1-1-000196/
  • Learning from the Master


  • Bound by LiesBrayden Clare never wanted to return to small town life. Blond, athletic, and struggling with his sexual identity, a casual relationship on the beach in Florida suits him much better. When a family emergency calls him home, he is forced to trade his personal freedom for a job as a bartender in a town where everybody thinks they know who he is, and nobody has a clue—including Brayden. Jenner Parrish is the owner and operator of Parrish Pub, the social hub of Robertsville, Pennsylvania. Jenner is charming, dominant, and popular since they were both in high school together. Brayden finds his new boss intimidating, and is daunted to find that turns him on. Jenner finds his new recruit intriguing but mustn’t dare to ask an employee to submit to him. The two men find what they’re seeking at a masked BDSM ball in the next town over, and are startled to discover their desires rest much, much closer to home. (M/M)
  • Blurb:
  • Imprint Story Page: http://forbiddenfiction.com/story/lk1-1-000108/
  • Bound by Lies

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