Blogversary Author Post, Flash Fiction & Giveaway: Sloan Parker




Three Word Scenario


Congratulations on your 6th anniversary, Kazza and Cindi! I’m so excited to be here to help you celebrate this year. Thanks so much for having me and for all you do for the M/M community.

Today I’d like to share one of my three-word scenarios. This is where I take three random words (selected through a random generator) and write a short scenario that includes all three words. I always have so much fun with these. They allow me to be creative with new characters in short bursts while still working on a longer novel. Two of my previous three-word scenarios were expanded into novellas and are available as one ebook titled Friends and Lovers.

The three random words for today’s scenario are: despair, prescription, and soap. I hope you enjoy this short piece of M/M fiction.


 I Want to Kiss You

~by Sloan Parker


“Just sign here, and we’re all done.” Alec handed me the tablet, and I signed my name with the digital pen.

I passed the pen and tablet back to him, not making eye contact as I said, “Thanks for everything.” The words almost got caught in my throat. I had no idea why I was acting so damn nervous around him. He’d been taking care of me for the past five days. Hell, he’d seen me naked, even walked me to the bathroom on multiple occasions. The first time, he’d had an arm around me as he helped lower me to the toilet.

That was more action than I’d seen in the past year.

Too bad I was paying for the privilege. Alec was my damn nurse.

He flashed me a smile. Shit, every time he did that, I couldn’t avoid staring at the sexy-as-hell dimple on his right cheek. Then he turned to set the tablet on his mobile computer stand.

He kept smiling as he said, “You’re welcome, Taye. Thanks for…” He trailed off as if he wasn’t sure what he wanted to say. “For making me laugh. I haven’t had this much fun at work in years.”

I snorted out a laugh, recalling all the times he’d come into my hospital room, and I’d made some lame joke. There was only one reason I’d done that: to catch a glimpse of that dimple. He had an adorable smile.

I said, “It was the drugs. You guys have good shit here.”

He laughed with me, and his eyes lit up.

Damn, he was a beautiful man. Dark, sensitive eyes. Tall like me. Solid. With ripped arms. Someone worked out, lifted weights. A lot. I could only imagine what was hidden under the scrubs.

“Here’s the prescription for your pain meds.” He leaned over me and reached for the paperwork he’d set on my hospital tray when he’d first entered the room earlier. The side of his neck was only two inches from my mouth. God, I wanted to run my lips and tongue over his skin. Just a quick lift of my head off the pillow and…

Instead, I let my eyes fall shut and breathed deep. He smelled good. A fresh, clean, masculine scent with a hint of citrus. Was that his soap?

I waited for him to lean back.


Without taking a look, I knew he hadn’t moved. I opened my eyes. He had the paperwork in hand, his head turned my way, his brown eyes searching mine. Had he heard my uneven breath? Was he checking to make sure I was physically okay?


Was he enjoying being this close to me?

He dropped his gaze to my lips. He licked his own.


Then he shook his head and straightened. “Sorry.” He handed me the paperwork and swung back toward his computer stand.

I tried to slow the rapid pants pouring out of me. Had I read too much into that look? Seeing what I wanted to? After a year of celibacy, I was pretty damn desperate.

That must be it.

Alec was typing something into the computer. Then he slapped the sides of the stand. “Well, that’s it. You’re officially discharged.” He turned back to the bed. “You sure you don’t want someone to take you downstairs in a wheelchair?”

“Nah. I’m good. Doc says I need to be walking.”

“All right.” He gave a nod but made no move to leave. “You, uh, need help getting dressed?”

“No. I got it. Going to need to do that kind of shit by myself soon as I get home. Might as well start now.”


He knew my home situation. I’d told him all about how my boyfriend had run out on me when I’d gotten hurt on the job a year earlier, how the bastard had even told me he didn’t think he was strong enough to deal with someone in my condition.

Condition. It was a freaking back injury, not leprosy. A crane had dropped a length of heavy pipe on the construction site where I’d been working. Just missing my head, the end of the pipe had slammed into my back. Had I not been jumping out of the way, the impact would’ve been worse. Even with the hard hat, I could’ve died.

The night I’d told Alec about my ex, I’d been far chattier than my usual self. A result of the incredibly strong pain meds, of course. Maybe he got that I’d be embarrassed about my oversharing later. Because in return, he’d told me about his ex who’d been cheating on him with a series of guys for five years, the entire time they’d lived together.

Alec shot me another long look, then headed for the door, taking the rolling computer cart with him. He stopped in the doorway. “Good luck, Taye. With everything.”


Then he was gone.

I should’ve been thrilled that I was getting out of the hospital. After three surgeries on my back, the doc said I would be feeling better than I had since I’d first gotten hurt.

Instead, all I felt was despair. I’d likely never see Alec again.

Which was a stupid-ass thought. We weren’t friends. We weren’t going to be dating or even hanging out. He’d only been doing his damn job.

Time to stop feeling sorry for myself, catch a cab, and head home.

I got up and got dressed, then called for a cab. In the hall outside my room, I waited for the elevator. I spotted Alec watching me from down the hall.

I raised a hand to offer a wave goodbye. He gave a nod in return. For a moment, he kept his gaze locked on me. Then he was gone again.

When I got downstairs, I waited outside for the cab. It had been a week since I’d breathed in fresh air. I tilted my head back and soaked up the warm rays of sun.


I spun around. There Alec stood. He was out of breath. Like he’d sprinted down the stairs from his floor to the front of the hospital.

“Did I forget something?” I asked.

“No. It’s just that…” He nervously adjusted his ID badge that was hanging around his neck. “Now that you’re not a patient any longer and you’re outside the hospital, I wanted to ask you something.”


He rushed to say the rest. “Would you want to go out with me sometime?”

I swore my heart skipped a beat. I felt a rush of adrenaline I hadn’t experienced in such a long time. Was I hearing him right? “You wanna go out with me?”


“On a date? Like to dinner?”

He laughed. “Yeah. Well, I mean, if you hadn’t just had surgery we could skip the dinner and head back to my place, but…” He stepped closer to me, and his voice lowered, sounding sexy as hell as he said, “I’m not just looking for a quick fuck here.” There was a subtle nervousness to his smile that time. “I like you, Taye.”

I took a step toward him. “That’s good.” We were less than a foot apart. “That’s real good. Because I like you too. A lot.”



His focus was on my lips again. “I want to kiss you.”

My breath caught. “Same here.”

The sliding door of the hospital opened behind us. A family exited.

He looked their way, then back at me. “But not today. I’m still on the clock.”

“You working tomorrow night?”


“Tomorrow night, then?”

He licked his lips again. “Tomorrow night.” He handed me a slip of paper. The touch of his fingers to mine was electric. What would it be like to really touch him? To feel those hands all over me?

On the paper was his name and number. He gestured to the door behind him. “I’ve gotta get back to work.”


He turned to leave.

“Hey,” I called after him.

He spun back. “Yeah?”

“Thanks for asking.”

“Thanks for saying yes.” And there was that dimple again. “I’m really looking forward to it.”

“Same here.”

He held my stare for a moment more, then headed into the hospital. I watched through the glass doors until I could no longer see him.

The doc had been right. I was feeling better than I had in years.


Author Bio:

Award-winning author Sloan Parker writes passionate, dramatic stories about two men (or more) falling in love. She enjoys writing in the fictional world because in fiction you can be anything, do anything, even fall in love for the first time over and over again. Sloan’s greatest moments in life are spent with her family, her friends, and her characters.

To contact Sloan, find out about her books that are available for purchase, and read free stories, visit: If you’d like to be notified of new releases and get exclusive sneak peeks, be sure to sign up to receive Sloan’s newsletter via her website.



Leave a comment in the comments section below by Midnight Oct 15h, US EST to be in the running for a winner’s choice of two e-books from Sloan’s backlist OR two paperbacks. The print books can be shipped internationally. The winner will be contacted within 24 hours of the giveaway’s close. We allow 48 hours to contact us back, if not a redraw will occur. Please check your email’s spam folder. Good luck and cheers.


Contact Sloan:


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Debra G
Debra G

So much promise for these two. I lvoed it. thanks

Sloan Parker
Sloan Parker

So glad you liked it, Debra. Thanks for checking out the story.


Happy Blogversary <3 Sloan will just have to extend this story now, as I hope Alex & Taye can find some happiness… Otherwise I may despair, as reading is all the prescription I need, otherwise I might need a dose of a daytime soap opera which I do not look forward to 🙂

Sloan Parker
Sloan Parker

Hi Sula. I would love to write more for these two. I might end up expanding it as I’ve done with a couple of other shorts. Thanks for sharing!


I want to see what happens next. 🙂 This is the beginning of a great story.

Thank you, Sloan, for helping us celebrate our 6th year. You were one of my very first authors in the genre. It’s always a pleasure having you stop by.

Good luck to all who enter the giveaway.

Sloan Parker
Sloan Parker

You’re very welcome, Cindi. Thanks so much for having me on the blog. I’m so touched to have been one of your first in the genre. Congratulations on the anniversary, and a big thank you to you and Kazza for all your hard work.


I love the flash fiction. Like everybody else, I can totally see that being a longer story. It left me wanting more. 🙂 Also, a great giveaway.

Happy anniversary, guys!

Sloan Parker
Sloan Parker

Thanks, MindiMorgan. I’m so glad you liked it. Really appreciate you taking the time to check out the story.


This is he sweetest story. Even though I’ve got a good imagination *g* I’d love to know what happens next. Thanks for the giveaway 🙂

Sloan Parker
Sloan Parker

Thanks so much, Debbie! I just might have to write more for Alec and Taye.


That was great!! Wish there was more Alec and Taye have so much more to tell.

Sloan Parker
Sloan Parker

Thanks so much, Claudia. This quick set-up certainly got me thinking of what would happen next for them.


I really want to read more about Taye and Alex. That was a very sweet short story.
You definitely have a knack for grabbing readers attention and making them want more! ; )

Sloan Parker
Sloan Parker

Aw thanks, Sara. That’s a great compliment. Thank you for sharing!


Amazing short! Thank you for sharing.

Sloan Parker
Sloan Parker

You’re very welcome, Cinders. So glad you enjoyed it.


That was well done. Thanks for the chance.

Sloan Parker
Sloan Parker

Thanks, Pat. Appreciate you stopping by and checking out the post.

Christie Curtis
Christie Curtis

Hope this becomes a novella – love reading everything and anything written by Sloan Parker. Thank you for the great giveaway, have got my fingers and toes crossed 🙂

Sloan Parker
Sloan Parker

That’s so kind of you to say, Christie. I’m thrilled you enjoy my writing.

Serena S.
Serena S.

Thank you for the short scenario, I liked it. It’s really creative to creat short stories like this. Although it sounds difficult, lol.

Sloan Parker
Sloan Parker

Thanks, Serena! I love doing these shorts. Glad you liked it.

Jennifer Beyer
Jennifer Beyer

I love Sloane Parker’s writing! I want more!

Linda Benson
Linda Benson

Sloan’s written words are so much better than any soap opera. So don’t despair fans. This scenario is a feel good prescription into the new relationship of Alec and Taye. WE WANT MORE!!!!