Betrayed: A Cyn and Raphael Novella (Vampires in America 5.5), D B Reynolds

BetrayedRating: 5 Stars

Publisher: ImaJinn Books

Genre: Het Romance

Genre: UF/Paranormal – Vampires, Contemporary

Length: 91 Pages

Reviewer: Kazza K

Purchase At: ImaJinn Books,



As good a paranormal series as you will read anywhere by anybody. D B Reynolds Vampires in America is a must buy for me.



Please note that is a novella (5.5) that forms part of a series. While it could be read as a standalone, not as much enjoyment would come of that. I recommend that you start from the beginning, Raphael, if you want a good look at the Vampires in America series. It’s great reading.

Well, I’m going to start by saying that Raphael is my favourite paranormal character, against some stiff competition; but nobody beats this brooding, strong, charismatic Vampire Lord, in my eyes. He acts like a powerful vampire should, and he loves like one too. Raphael and Cyn are a power couple and they are off the charts sexy. There is some face melting sex in this novella. Raphael’s PI partner, Cyn, is good by herself and even better with Raphael attached, mmm. Cyn stands toe-to-toe with Raphael and comes off well because of it. Cynthia Leighton is no shrinking violet, she knows how to handle herself, and a gun, and she doesn’t hold back from either if she needs to; much to Raphael’s consternation…..and pride.

In this book, Raphael and Cyn are in Colarado when someone takes a sniper shot at Raphael. It seems everyone suspects who is behind the ‘hit’ pretty quickly; all fingers point to Klemens, a power hungry Vampire Lord from a neighbouring territory. In ViA the vampires have territories and guard them fiercely, it is not unheard of for them to want to poach someone elses territory, if they feel they can. Time for the crew to pull back to their home territory so they can plan and regroup. Naturally, Cyn is worried about Raphael, as she is nothing if not protective. On top of that Cyn feels that he is now keeping something vital from her and possibly setting himself up as bait for the unknown sniper. But Raphael will do what Raphael will do. Will Cynthia deal with this, or will it put a dampener on their relationship? I like the way things finish here, both in regards to Raphael/Cyn and Lucas. I cannot wait for Lucas, his book has interesting, roguish vampire, and intrigue stamped all over it. Plus, you just know Raphael and Cyn are going to be in the mix with their tumultuous, passionate relationship, yay.

I really like the vampires in this series, there’s a relatable aspect to them but they are pretty unforgiving and they exercise their power quite ruthlessly when required. Raphael is five hundred years old, exceedingly powerful, and a wonderful political player; and these vampires are political, they are wealthy and mix business in the human world as well as having their own council. D B Reynolds walks the line of UF/paranormal/contemporary romance perfectly with the Vampires in America series, it’s one of my must reads. There is always a mystery and the MC’s storylines are well developed and strong.

Betrayed acts as a fine lead in, or prequel, if you like, to Lucas, the next in the Vampires in America series. As the title states, this story is centred primarily around Raphael and Cyn, with  Duncan’s replacement, Jared, and the next protagonist, Lucas, interwoven just enough to titillate. Looking forward to Lucas – bring it on!

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